Silvercrest Submarines are the UK's premier submarine, submersibles and ROV sales and charter company with contracts performed worldwide.. |
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A one atmosphere manned submersible designed for all commercial activities, scientific research, underwater filming, search and salvage.
The Perry submersible is a utility submarine designed for observation and manipulator tasks in 1000ft (300m) of seawater. The submarine also has a diver lockout capability to 650ft (200m). The submarine has two compartments. The forward compartment can accommodate a pilot and two observers. The aft compartment (DLO if fitted) can accommodate two divers, or two passengers. The two compartments are connected by an internal hatch with a viewport. An external hatch arrangement is located beneath the DLO, to allow diver entry/exit into the water as required.
PERRY (PC14-Ulysses) Submersible for sale. Ulysses Submarine for sale. This submarine was designed for a private owner. Having a steel hull and cylindrical acrylic forward passenger section that offers exceptional panoramic viewing. Crew one pilot and four passengers. Dive duration 6-8 hours. Full life support. Main aft propulsion, vertical and lateral thrusters. VHF and Underwater communications. GPS navigation. External lights.
PERRY SUBMARINE (Diver Lockout) For sale.
The Perry PC18 submersible is a utility submarine designed for observation and manipulator tasks in 1000ft (300m) of seawater. The submarine also has a diver lockout capability to 650ft (200m). The submarine has two compartments. The forward compartment can accommodate a pilot and two observers. The aft compartment (DLO) can accommodate two divers, or two passengers. The two compartments are connected by an internal hatch with a viewport. An external hatch arrangement is located beneath the DLO, to allow diver entry/exit as required.
GENERAL SPECIFICATIONS. Length 22ft (6.71 m) Breadth 8ft (2.39 m) Height 8ft (2.40 m) Weight 12 tons Crew 3 to 5(normal). Three crew plus two divers (in DLO mode). Life Support 4 days Max. depth 1000ft(300m) Payload 750lb (340kg) Max. Speed 3 knots Range 8 hours at 1 knot. Duration 8-10 hours Power 120vdc(31kw) 24vdc(6kw) Main Propulsion 10hp electric motor (180 degree swivel). Directional Thrusters 3 x 70lb (32kg) thrust.
TRIMInternal variable buoyancy trim tank system. Forward tank 200lbs capacity, Aft tank 500lbs capacity. One H.P. overboard discharge pump, with appropriate valving.
AIRA high pressure air system of 740scf at 3600psi in two externally mounted cylinders, for blowing ballast tanks, and supplying built in emergency breathing system.
CONSTRUCTIONBuilt by Perry and classified by the American Bureau of Shipping. Pressure hull constructed of low temperature service steel, modular sections of 54 inches with internal ribs. Battery pods, cylindrical of 20inch (50 cm) 0.D. with removable pressure sealed domed ends for ease of access to batteries. Viewports. Eight off 8-inch (20 cm) diameter equally spaced around the conning tower, and one upward looking port in the top centre of the hatch. Forward spherical segment window 36-inch (91 cm) in diameter. All viewports are clear acrylic plastic. Through hull fittings via removable penetrator plates. Four basic types of penetrators are used with several blanked spares for additional equipment functions. All external equipment and fittings are protected by heavy-duty fender rails. Main Hatch has 20-inch (50cm) freeboard in normal surfaced state.
BUOYANCYExternal ballast tanks of 1000lbs (453.5 kg) total capacity with H.P. air system for blowing the tanks for surface stability and buoyancy.
VENTILATIONThe one-atmosphere environment is monitored by C02 and oxygen analysers. The CO2 is removed by an electric powered scrubber unit, the oxygen content is maintained from externally mounted cylinders.
HYDRAULICAn electric hydraulic pump and accumulator system provides power for the actuation of planes, rudder, manipulators and other external hydraulic devices. CONTROLSAt the pilots position is the portable control box with joystick, for rudder and planes, switches for main propulsion and thrusters. The pilot has at hand all the instrumentation for power distribution and monitoring in both normal and emergency situations.
Navigation: Compass, Depth gauges, Sonar, Pinger, tracking transponder (by Request). Communications: Mesotech underwater telephone (27kz). VHF radio for surface use. External lights: 4x 600watt Ouartz Halogen iodide. Cameras: Video + 35mm still camera (by request). Manipulator: One hydraulic multi-function 75 lb (34 kg) capacity. SAFETY FEATURES PC18 has ejectable battery pods. Leak detectors in battery pods warn of saltwater ingress. Pressure detectors warn of leaks in shaft seal. Built in Emergency breathing system (BIBS), masks, and life vests. Fire extinguishers. First Aid Kit External equipment faired to reduce drag and prevent fouling. Self powered flashing strobe light.
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